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Monte Carlo Simulations

Simulation of the canonical ensemble (constant T, V and N) is commonly performed by the importance sampling scheme of Metropolis et al.[28] Monte Carlo (MC) points are in principle independent and could come from very different regions of configuration space as long as they belong to the correct distribution. In contrast to a Molecular Dynamics trajectory (compare §iiD), there is no equation of motion, i.e. no physical time connecting the sampled configurations. Metropolis' algorithm is one efficient way of sampling configuration space in the canonical ensemble. However, the energy-biased random walker is easily trapped in regions of configuration space that are surrounded by broad and high energy barriers. Hence, to improve ergodicity we use the Jump-Walking Monte Carlo (JW) approach proposed by Frantz, Freeman and Doll [15], as described below.

In JW Monte Carlo a Metropolis walker at lower temperature (hereafter called a `Jumper') tries to jump to a distribution generated by a higher temperature run (a `Diver') from time to time. In sampling a canonical ensemble the jump acceptance probability tex2html_wrap_inline1501 to jump from a lower temperature Jumper-configuration, tex2html_wrap_inline1503 , to a Diver generated configuration, tex2html_wrap_inline1505 , does not depend only on the energy difference. It also depends on the temperature difference between the Jumper and the Diver ensembles:


Hence, in JW both the temperature difference between the Jumper and the Diver runs and the maximum Cartesian displacement are crucial for efficiency.

Tsai and Jordan [29] applied JW to homogeneous clusters. They performed series of simulations decreasing in temperature. Every run stored some of the sampled configurations periodically and the following run was allowed to jump to these with an appropriate probability. Matro, Freeman and Topper [30] have recently developed an implementation which is similar to our approach. They used parallel computing software on multiple processors to realise the communication between individual runs and have applied this technique to study ammonium chloride clusters over a wide temperature range.

We use the Jump-Walking idea in a slightly different manner to deal with relatively large systems in ORIENT 3.2 [27]. Here the storage of significant parts of the distribution is inconvenient and slow. Instead we perform parallel runs at different temperatures which communicate all the time. To prevent correlation effects, i.e. a Jumper following a Diver closely through configuration space, we use communication buffers between all Jumper/Diver pairs (Fig. 1). Periodically the Diver writes its current configuration at a random position in the buffer which contains many different entries. Hence relatively old configurations can survive in the buffer and correlation is therefore minimized. After a short equilibration time the Jumper is allowed to attempt jumps from time to time to a configuration from the buffer. In practice we start different temperature simulations on one or more computers simultaneously. The highest temperature run only dives, the lowest only jumps, but all the others can both dive and jump to the buffers from the neighbouring temperatures. Ergodicity even for the lowest temperature is in principle guaranteed, correlation effects can be minimized and the length of a simulation is no longer restricted by storage problems. Correlation effects due to buffer size, jump probability tex2html_wrap_inline1507 or dive frequency tex2html_wrap_inline1509 are easily diagnosed by comparison with standard MC results at high enough temperature. We will discuss the influence of these parameters below. Here tex2html_wrap_inline1509 is defined as the number of MC steps taken between storage of the Diver configurations in the buffer. In our simulations of BzAr tex2html_wrap_inline1413 the buffer size is fixed at 1000 configurations since a bigger buffer does not appear to change the results. We fix the constraining spherical container to a radius of 25 bohr. This size should prevent the evaporation and external pressure effects described by Tsai and Jordan [29]. The maximum Cartesian displacement of the standard MC steps was adjusted dynamically to result in an acceptance rate of about 50%.


Figure 1: Schematic of our Jump-Walking implementation for a three temperature run. Periodically the Divers write their current configuration at a random position in the appropriate buffer files, whereas the Jumpers, which run simultaneously, attempt jumps from time to time to one of these configurations.

We can now apply the histogram method proposed by McDonald and Singer [16] and extended by e.g. Ferrenberg and Swendsen [31, 32] and Bichara, Gaspard and Mathieu [33] to calculate thermodynamic properties over a wider temperature range. In our particular MC simulations we generate a normalised histogram tex2html_wrap_inline1515 at each sampling temperature tex2html_wrap_inline1517 . This histogram is equivalent to tex2html_wrap_inline1519 ,


where tex2html_wrap_inline1519 is the probability of finding the system with a potential energy between tex2html_wrap_inline1523 and tex2html_wrap_inline1525 . Here tex2html_wrap_inline1527 is the number of microscopic states in configuration space in the above potential energy interval and


is the configurational partition function. The probability distribution for a different value of T is calculated from


The ensemble average of an observable in configuration space, tex2html_wrap_inline1531 , is then found from


We will use the above method for observables dependent only on tex2html_wrap_inline1523 , but it can be generalised in a straightforward fashion as discussed below. We normally smoothed the histograms by fitting to an expansion of Gaussians which improves the accuracy especially for the lower energy region. Five Gaussian functions are almost always sufficient in the interpolation procedure. However, systematic errors arise at temperatures very different from tex2html_wrap_inline1517 because the quality of the histograms is poor far away from the sampled average potential energy.

Various algorithms have been proposed to combine the histogram information gained at different temperatures in a multiple histogram method. [17, 29, 32, 33, 34] We implemented the approach of Weerasinghe and Amar [17]. This technique employs a least-squares fit to find the relative number of configurational states, tex2html_wrap_inline1527 , which strikes an optimized balance between the estimated configurational densities for each value of tex2html_wrap_inline1517 . Different statistical weights of the histograms as used by Tsai and Jordan [29] are not taken into account in the present work. We convolute tex2html_wrap_inline1527 with the density of kinetic states, tex2html_wrap_inline1543 , which is known analytically from the volume of the tex2html_wrap_inline1545 -dimensional energy hypersphere in momentum space as


Here tex2html_wrap_inline1545 is the number of degrees of freedom. In our microcanonical Molecular Dynamics simulations the overall linear and angular momenta are integrals of motion. Hence, for comparison tex2html_wrap_inline1545 is set to tex2html_wrap_inline1551 and we obtain tex2html_wrap_inline1553 , the number of microscopic states in phase space with total energy between E and tex2html_wrap_inline1557 , from the convolution [34, 35]


The different numbers of states are only known up to a multiplicative constant, but all thermodynamical functions of interest can be calculated from the relative values of tex2html_wrap_inline1553 . We consider for the microcanonical ensemble the entropy,


and the temperature,


as functions of the total energy. We compare these quantities with the direct Molecular Dynamics results. For the canonical ensemble we use the canonical partition function,


to calculate the canonical internal energy,


and the canonical heat capacity,


as functions of temperature. To test the initial Monte Carlo results obtained from the multiple histogram method we also estimate the specific heat from the fluctuations of the potential energy: [29, 36, 37]


where the last term represents the kinetic contribution.

We do not show error bars in most of our diagrams. However, all averages of the potential energy are converged to 1% or better and the numerical derivatives and integrals employed are of much higher accuracy. More careful error estimates should include correlation time effects [29] but we have not gone to such lengths in this paper. Correlation between the Molecular Dynamics integration steps is actually very small because the propagator we use favours rather large time steps.

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Matt Hodges & Andreas Dullweber
Fri Oct 20 09:28:06 BST 1996