Tiffany Walsh
Materials Modeling Laboratory
Dept. Of Materials
University of Oxford
Parks Rd
Oxford OX1 3PH
Tel : +44-1865-283325
I have recently completed a PhD in the Wales group, which was funded by the Cambridge Commonwealth
Trust. My work looked at rearrangements of small
water clusters, developing a density-functional tight-binding potential for first row atoms and using this
potential in examining the dynamics of structural relaxation of C60.
Presently, I am a postdoc in the group of Prof. Adrian Sutton, at
the Materials Modeling Laboratory
at Oxford University. My research is funded by Hewlett-Packard, and will involve the atomistic modeling
of adhesion between polymers and various substrates of commercial interest.
As of October 1st, I will be a Junior Research Fellow at Linacre College , Oxford.
T.R. Walsh
and D.J. Wales , accepted by J. Chem. Phys.,
Relaxation Dynamics of C60
M. Miller T.R. Walsh and D.J. Wales ,
Nature, 394, 758, 1998
Archetypal Energy Landscapes
K. E. Miyanno,
U. Arp, S. H. Southworth, T. E. Meehan, T. R. Walsh and F. P. Larkins,
Phys. Rev. A., 57, 2430, 1998
Sulfur-Kbeta x-ray emission from carbonyl sulfide: variations with
polarization and excitation energy at the S-K threshold
D.J. Wales
and T.R. Walsh,
J. Chem. Phys., 106, 7193, 1997
Theoretical study of the Water Tetramer
R.M. Minyaev,
D.J. Wales,
and T.R. Walsh,
J. Phys. Chem. A., 101, 1384, 1997
Gradient line reaction paths for hindered
internal rotation in H2BNH2 and inversion in PF3
T.R Walsh and D.J. Wales,
Z. Phys. D., 40, 229, 1997
Comparison of reaction pathways calculated by different algorithms
for disilane and water trimer
D.J. Wales
and T.R. Walsh,
J. Chem. Phys., 105, 6957, 1996
Theoretical study of the Water Pentamer
T.R Walsh and D.J. Wales,
J. Chem. Soc. - Faraday Trans., 92, 2505, 1996
Rearrangements of the water trimer
T.R Walsh, T.E. Meehan and F.P. Larkins,
J. Phys. B., 29, 207, 1996
Ab Initio calculations of the normal and resonant x-ray emission
spectra for the OCS molecule
T.R Walsh, T.E. Meehan and F.P. Larkins,
J. Phys. B., 27, L657, 1994
Molecular Auger rates using a statistical model and
ab initio wavefunctions
T.R Walsh, T.E. Meehan and F.P. Larkins,
J. Phys. B., 27, 2211, 1994
Prediction of molecular Auger rates using a
statistical model
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T. R. Walsh © 1996