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The Intermolecular Potential

Atom-atom Lennard-Jones [18] (LJ) parameters ( tex2html_wrap_inline1387 and tex2html_wrap_inline1389 ) are used to describe the dispersion-repulsion interactions, the contribution to the potential energy being summed over each atom of the benzene molecule with each Ar atom, and over all pairs of Ar atoms. The LJ potential is


for a given pair of atoms separated by distance r. We test the sensitivity of our results to details of the potential using two sets of parameters for the Ar-Ar, Ar-C and Ar-H interactions as described in §iiiA.

The charge distribution of the benzene molecule is modelled using distributed multipoles [13, 14, 19] on each of the C and H atoms. The multipoles have been calculated up to rank 4 (the hexadecapole) following an ab initio geometry optimisation which employed 6-311G** tex2html_wrap_inline1487  [20] basis sets with second order Møller-Plesset [21] perturbation theory (MP2) correlation corrections. The first non-vanishing multipole moment is the quadrupole -- the molecule is uncharged and according to the point group symmetry, the dipole moment vanishes. The non-zero component of the quadrupole moment transforms as tex2html_wrap_inline1489 and is expected to make the largest contribution to the electrostatic energy. The first-order electrostatic energy vanishes because the unperturbed Ar atoms have no non-vanishing multipole moments.

For the calculation of higher-order terms in the electrostatic energy (induction), dipole-dipole polarizabilities for benzene and Ar were used in conjuction with the distributed multipoles. We used tabelled polarizabilities for benzene [22] and argon. [23] Induction describes the modification of the permanent multipole moments by the electrostatic fields. Each iteration of the calculation provides an updated set of induced moments. The process is converged when the multipoles no longer change in response to the recalculated fields. Alternatively, a first-order approximation to the induction energy may be obtained from a single iteration of this calculation. The full analysis of these methods is quite lengthy and we refer the reader to Stone's recent publication [19] for a complete description.

Calculating the induction energy is computationally expensive for larger n (especially when we iterate to convergence) and in our more detailed study of BzAr tex2html_wrap_inline1413 we neglected this term, as discussed below.

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Matt Hodges & Andreas Dullweber
Fri Oct 20 09:28:06 BST 1996