Cambridge Cluster Database
Binary Lennard-Jones mixtures are very popular in the simulation of glassy materials. The global minima presented here are for an 80-20 mixture, as first used by Kob and Anderson1, with parameters sigma(AA) = 1.0, sigma(AB) = 0.8, sigma(BB) = 0.88, epsilon(AA)=1.00, epsilon(AB) = 1.5 and epsilon(BB) = 0.5. The units of energy and length are epsilon(AA) and sigma(AA), respectively, and the number density is 1.2. We present the energies calculated using two different shifting techniques: Kob-Anderson (KA)1, which simply uses a constant to make the potential continuous at the cutoff; and Stoddard-Ford (SF)2 which uses a quadratic function so that the first derivatives are also continuous. We present results for a cutoff of 2.5 times the appropriate value of sigma for the both shifting techniques. For the SF technique we also include results for a cutoff of 1.842.
The systems presented here are not clusters, as they have periodic boundary conditions. The x,y, and z box lengths are contained in the first line of the xyz points files. The gifs for the 60- and 320-atom systems depict the 20- and 10- atom unit cells for these systems, respectively.
N |
Energy (KA) |
Energy (SF, cutoff=2.5) |
Energy (SF, cutoff=1.842) |
Structure |
Coordinates |
60 (cubic)3,4 |
-7.68 |
-7.08 |
-4.71 |
60 (orthorhombic)4 |
-7.77 |
-7.18 |
-4.85 |
2564 |
-7.87 |
-7.20 |
-4.74 |
3204 |
-7.99 |
-7.33 |
-4.90 |
1W. Kob and H. C. Andersen, Phys. Rev. Lett., 73, 1376 (1994)
2S. D. Stoddard and J. Ford, Phys. Rev. A., 8, 1504 (1973)
4T. F. Middleton, J. Hernández-Rojas, P. N. Mortenson and D.J.Wales, Phys. Rev. B., 64, 184201, 2001.